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crashing in LR sections suddenly

rglusakrglusak Core Member
edited September 2022 in Logical Reasoning 128 karma

Hi, I’ve been taking practice exams for the past 2 months now once a week. At first, I was missing 7-8 on LR, but now all of a sudden I’m missing 9-13 and I’m not sure why. I’m not sure if the LR sections are progressively getting harder with each exam ( I started with prep test 70, just completed test 83) or if I’m experiencing burnout or something else. I’ve been drilling question types I struggle with and usually get some improvement but it seems to not show under testing conditions recently. I am registered for the October exam and I’m getting a little nervous that I might not be as ready as I thought. I still have 5 planned tests before the actual exam. Any advice to improve LR in the meantime?


  • Caffeinated99Caffeinated99 Core Member
    62 karma

    Just posting a comment so I can follow this thread! Im struggling with the same thing :(

  • lucasjameszieglerlucasjamesziegler Alum Member
    385 karma

    Mine was burnout, I took 3 days off completely from everything and came back. What are your BR looking like? Are you catching stupid mistakes? After studying for so long you can kind of go on auto pilot.

  • rglusakrglusak Core Member
    128 karma

    @lucasjamesziegler said:
    Mine was burnout, I took 3 days off completely from everything and came back. What are your BR looking like? Are you catching stupid mistakes? After studying for so long you can kind of go on auto pilot.

    My blind reviews always end up in high 160s-170s (Im averaging a 157 under testing conditions). Im staying afloat cause I’ve improved in RC and LG, just not sure what’s happening with LR all of a sudden :/

  • AASHCRAFT.1997-1AASHCRAFT.1997-1 Core Member
    22 karma

    I'm not sure what specific test this began, but the later tests seem to have more challenging LR sections.

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