Paper LSAT - Is there a way to NOT take the LSAT digitally? ADHD help

WashingtonDCgalWashingtonDCgal Live Member
in General 74 karma

I have a really hard time processing information digitally. It's part of my ADHD. When I take a test that is on paper by hand it's much easier and quicker for me to process the information and work with it. When I take the PTs digitally I find myself having to write out the questions by hand in order to solve.

I've been having trouble finding out on LSAC's site if all LSAT test takers truly must adapt to digital or if there is a way to take a hand copy paper test.

Has anyone had experience with taking the test on paper by hand post the transition to digital testing? If so, how did you go about navigating this?

Appreciate any helpful words,


  • baparacha-1baparacha-1 Member
    113 karma

    I understand what you are going through, Personally when it comes to academics and testing do much better on paper then online, and this really showed when I took the LSAT for the first time. Where I was testing at the 160-165 range consistently sometimes (on the rare occasion) even getting above it to 170, 172 when I took it on paper, however, when I took the actual one online I got a 154. So, after that I looked into ways to see if I could take it on paper, and I found out that you can ask for a paper version of the LSAT to be sent to you (the proctor will still be online via proctor U), however, you need to submit a form and some paperwork to verify that the paper version is what is better for you. Seeing that you have ADHD I do not think it should be that hard for you to get the approval, the process is very similar to what you may have to go through for DSS accommodations for extra time on an exam.

    Here is a link as to the various services the LSAT provides (including extra breaks and time extensions if you need it), they list paper exams towards the bottom:

    Here is the website with all the procedural forms you would need to fill out and directions on how to do it:

    Hope this helps,

  • WashingtonDCgalWashingtonDCgal Live Member
    74 karma

    Bazgha- Thank you, it's comforting to have someone else in my corner who gets it. I am so relieved to hear it is possible to do it on paper you have no idea. Currently working with my doctor so solve out accommodations. This is quite a relief that it is possible to receive on paper I appreciate you taking the time to respond with information.

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