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Foundation building podcast suggestions?

mukti.freedommukti.freedom Member
edited September 2022 in General 14 karma

Hi everyone!
Can anyone recommend lsat podcast that I could listen to when working out? I just signed up 2 days ago to start studying so I’m seeking something related to beginner stage foundation building or question types or lectures. I’m more attentive when I’m listening while working out (don’t know how)

So far I only found introductory test taking or college admissions related podcast.

As for my 7Sage material I’m using that more for sit down heads down study sessions

Thank you!


  • baparacha-1baparacha-1 Member
    113 karma

    So when I joined 7sage about a week and a half ago I started to listen to their podcast too. At the time I thought that since their website was recommended for me to improve my LSAT score (I didn't get the score I wanted so my Law School Advisor recommended me to change my approach from what I was previously doing (focusing just on books)) I might as well go all in and look at all of their materials. Right now I am on episode 14, and were as the podcast does touch on college admissions it is definitely more all rounded. So the first few episodes were talks with sages who used 7 sage to score above a 170, and it went through their process, tips they had, and how each one of them eventually got to the 170 (from their diagnostics). The also had some admission podcasts. On top of that in the past two episodes I've been listening to (13 and 14) they have started doing podcasts breaking down questions and how to approach them. Episode 13 was on RRE (Resolve Reconcile and Explain) questions and 14 is on Weakening questions. So you may want to look into their podcasts. Especially since the other materials you are using (for example this website) is also from them, so its almost like one cohesive message/tip and not many varying approaches. Also as of right now they have 89 episodes so I'm sure you can find other helpful podcasts from them besides the two I mentioned.

  • mukti.freedommukti.freedom Member
    14 karma

    I didn't realize they have their own podcast until reading your comment. I'm definitely deep diving with those recordings during my workouts. Thanks for the info!

  • RelentlessRelentless Live Member
    375 karma

    Hi there, I listen to 7Sage's podcasts whilst I drive to and fro from my offices. I have to agree with the comment above. Most of the podcasts are about other 7Sagers and their journey - It is very helpful to learn how others have persevered, the study methods they used and serves as a kind of pep (driving) talk for me. All the best with your preparation. :)

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