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Questions about LOR and Personal Statement for a Reapplicant?

AJamal22AJamal22 Member
edited October 2022 in Law School Admissions 205 karma

Hey everyone! I applied last cycle with what I thought was a very holistic and strong application. I had strong LORs and very well-edited (from 7Sage Staff) Personal and Diversity Statements. My resume was relatively strong as well but my LSAT was slightly low and my GPA was average for my goal schools. As I am currently studying to retake the LSAT on this upcoming exam date, I wanted to ask if I must rewrite my personal or diversity statements and if there is harm in resubmitting the same copies. Nothing has really changed within the last 10 months or so since my last application and I don't think I could come up with a better PS topic. In regards to LORs, I got two of them updated but wanted to ask if I can resubmit one of my LORs from last year as well? I remember reading somewhere that when you are a reapplicant for say school X, they receive both a copy of your last year's application attached to your new application. In that case, I think having everything the same other than the LSAT score (hopefully an increase) would not be that compelling but I am not sure. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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