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Dream -> Lawgic

LostInLawLawLandLostInLawLawLand Alum Member
in General 34 karma
Anyone else dreaming in Lawgic?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    No but I did have my first LSAT nightmare this morning in which there were two answer sheets, one scantron and the other looking like it was bubbles drawn by a child. For whatever reason I only filled in the latter and then with 30 seconds to go in the first section I realized I was doing it wrong. I only got 5 answers down on the scantron and then cancelled my score immediately and walked out. Woke up mortified that it actually happened. Hahaha... good times!
  • Grey WardenGrey Warden Alum Member
    edited July 2015 813 karma
    I do hear JY's voice in my morning dreams sometimes, when I am about to wake up, most of the times i see and hear him contraposing stuff.
  • bSM45LSATbSM45LSAT Member
    522 karma
    I was doing LR questions this past night in my dream. The worst part was I couldn't clearly read the answer choices, and I was super frustrated as when I tried to look at it carefully the text blurred. So question after question I kept circling C and moving on.

    Nightmare to say the least.
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