Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Drills Question - 7Sage Forum

Drills Question

Melanie SmithMelanie Smith Core Member
edited October 2022 in Logical Reasoning 19 karma

After taking a drill, and reviewing your results, there is a "priority" category. Which will either say "v low" or "v high"
What does this mean? I'm constantly getting the "v low" ones correct, but not always the "v high" which I am concerned about.


  • WhatIsLifeWhatIsLife Member
    810 karma

    If you get a problem wrong, it becomes very high. If you get a problem right, it becomes very low. If you skip a problem, it becomes high.

  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    848 karma

    @NowOrNever-1-1-1-1-1-1 is correct. Priority is a measure of what you need to focus on. It is calculated by weighting expected accuracy with expected number of questions. The higher the priority for a question type, the more you need to focus on that question type.

    So for example, if your accuracy is very low for “Misc” questions and there are a lot of “Misc” questions, then it will receive high priority: you should focus on that question type. This is based on your accuracy.

  • Melanie SmithMelanie Smith Core Member
    19 karma

    Thank you!

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