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PT93 Explanation videos

Sabe_1904Sabe_1904 Core Member
in General 8 karma

When will we have access to the PT93 Explanations videos?
Thinking about taking it before Nov LSAT


  • Steven_B-1Steven_B-1 Member
    800 karma

    Same question and when will be able to take in on 7sage so we can have our analytics for said test? I'd love to take it before my exam in ten days

  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14173 karma

    We're working on it! LSAC gave us 12 hours notice before they dropped this.

    For now, you have to take it on but we're trying to get it into the site and Analytics as soon as possible.

    Until we get the videos ready, I'll be teaching these questions live so look out for an announcement from @"Scott Milam"

  • Steven_B-1Steven_B-1 Member
    800 karma

    Awesome, thanks !

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