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January LSAT!! and admissions

The November 2022 was my first LSAT, and I plan on taking it again in January 2023... with that being said I want to get the rest of my application in before Christmas. So I'm wondering how I go about making sure my application isn't denied with my Nov LSAT score because I instead want them to measure my Jan LSAT score... however I will be submitting my application right when scores or released or a little after, and I don't think I want to necessarily cancel my Nov score. does this make sense?? Please help!! #help


  • rachaelbackusrachaelbackus Member
    8 karma

    From what I understand you can submit it now with your current Nov score and either add an addendum to your application explaining that you're retaking in January, or you can submit the application and email the admissions office and explain the situation and they will take it into consideration when they receive your application. You can also reach out to the admission offices of the schools you're applying to and ask what they think would be best! Many admission counselors and advisors are more than happy to help prospective students.

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