I started studying in February (Taking the October test, fees paid

I've completed all of the course material and now am working through the PTs from oldest to most recent. My average on my PTs is 163 which I'm okay with. 153 on my first diagnostic. I've taken 11 PTs now so It's a pretty solid average I believe (159 worst -166 best). My question is for those who have taken a recent test... I've heard that the tests are changing, especially the logic games with the reintroduction of maps, circles etc., Has anyone taken a recent test that can compare it to tests in the 50-60 range? I'm confident in my abilities as long as they haven't gone and introduced something crazy that my fundamentals haven't prepared me for. I'm saving the 70s tests for the last two weeks. Just trying to get some insight into what lies ahead

To expand on the games a bit: I took the June exam this year. Sitting in the exam room that day, the games section seemed completely foreign to me. There was no simple sequencing game. The rules were weird and the games did not feel as cookie cutter as I had grown accustom to. I used the skills I learned and trucked through it the best I could. I came out feeling as though I had bombed the section but I had actually only gone -3. Why? Because I used the skills I learned from 7sage and focused on the fundamentals: translating English to lawgic, representing rules visually, splitting my board, looking for inferences, POE, etc.
What is so different about PT 72 and the 70s in general?
@leonsmoney- I believe she is saying don't leave the 70s for the last 2 weeks per the quote.
Is LG the section in 72, which makes the exam harder than usual, or is the LR very hard as well?
Week 10 #53 & 65
Week 9 #54 & 66
Week 8 #55 & 67
Week 7 #56 & 68
Week 6 #57 & 69
Week 5 #58 & 70
Week 4 #59 & 71
Week 3 #60 & 72
Week 2 #61 & 73
Week 1 #62 & 74
(74 would be taken 2 days before real test as I'm taking it on Monday Oct 5th. Nondisclosed on a military base is the reason.)
How does that schedule look?
I am not sure where you are in your prep or how many PTs you have, but if you could do 3 PTs a week instead of 2 it would be better. Doing at least 3 a week helped me get a great "LSAT intuition" and sense for the test's timing (when to move on, when to dwell, when to go back). You can take a test one day, review the next day, and repeat.