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Fluctuations in LR

I tend to fluctuate in the LR section. I want to improve it to the point where I get a -3 or -4 consistently. Now the problem is when I get a practice test that has two LR sections, I tend to do great in one of them and okay in the other. I have checked the difficulty levels and they both tend to be similar. Any advice on what I should do to achieve my goal? Should I be doing more drills to see where my problem is?


  • gurneetdhaliwal6710-1gurneetdhaliwal6710-1 Alum Member
    18 karma

    Also to add: I have to work on my skipping strategies.

  • JShepherdJShepherd Core Member
    edited December 2022 73 karma

    So many variables at play, but off the top, what are the question types you're having the most issues with in the LR section? have you been focusing your study time and drills on the question types that are your weaknesses? just studying for the LR section as a whole without this targeted approach is huge. As you mentioned, having a skipping plan of attack, question type plan of attack, going into your PT is critical so you're not 'going off the cuff' when you PT and eventually take live test, is critical as well. What are your variations in actual PT score versus BR scores for the LR sections?

    Focused study and focused drilling on the question types that consistently cause you the most issues in the LR section is my first step suggestion. Best of luck

  • valentina.soares-1valentina.soares-1 Alum Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited January 2023 195 karma

    Hey @gurneetdhaliwal6710-1 !

    Is it the difficulty of the overall LR section that is similar or the questions that you missed? Can you identify any patterns in the question types that you’re missing or what role difficulty plays in your ability to get certain question types right?

    The first step to improve is going to be diagnosing where exactly you’re missing out on points and then getting to the root or cause of that. Is running out of time a symptom of struggling with certain questions or is your timing a cause for getting questions wrong? It could very well be both.

    Taking PTs and using the 7Sage Analytics are great tools for finding these problem areas, but to fix them you need to drill them consistently and spend quality time reviewing your mistakes.

    Make sure your fundamentals are memorized and that you’ve practiced them to the point that you don’t have to think twice about how to map SA questions, how to negate an answer choice in NA, whether or not an argument is valid, which of the common flaws is being described in the answer choice, etc. It is also important to have a process for each question type and part of that is having a clear criteria for how you eliminate answer choices based on different question types.

    Careful and intentional review of not only your PTs, but also your drills will be fundamental to your success in making improvements in the LR section.

    This is exactly what we help students with in 7Sage's tutoring program. It's all about helping you diagnose the issues in your thought process, and coming up with ways to fix it. If you want to talk to one of our expert tutors about how we can help you create a game plan for the time between now and test day, feel free to use this link to schedule a free consultation!

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