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PTF97.S1.Q23 This semester Professor Popkin will commute to Montreal by plane...

Lsacker99Lsacker99 Core Member
edited January 2023 in Logical Reasoning 15 karma

Could someone please explain this one? Doesn't only one flight have multiple Saturdays in between?
Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question"


  • LSAT LizardLSAT Lizard Alum Member
    edited January 2023 331 karma

    This is a pretty weird question. You're correct that only one of Popkin's flights has a Saturday in between. AC A feels weak as an explanation for her overall travel plans because it would only cause her to save money on that single round trip, and not any of the numerous round trips otherwise booked for the semester.

    However, none of the other answer choices give even a small reason for her travel plans, so the small reason provided by AC A (a single flight is cheaper) does end up being the best answer.

    AC B: If the super long round trip booking is more expensive than the short bookings, then Popkin is paying extra by having one of her round trips be a long one when she could easily have chosen for all of them to be short. So this one is the opposite of an explanation of her travel plans; it just makes her plan seem even more nonsensical.

    AC C: If there's a perk for completing round trips quickly (to unlock free first class as soon as possible), then again the one long booking is sub-optimal compared to just making all of her trips the short less-than-a-week kind. Like AC B, it's a reason for her not to have grouped flights the way she did.

    AC D) This is a pretty good explanation for 'why did Popkin make all of the bookings at once?' But the question stem asks us specifically to explain the grouping of her flights, not the choice to book everything at the same time. This AC is just irrelevant to the question being asked.

    AC E: Also irrelevant to the grouping of the flights. It would explain why she booked at least seven days in advance (if she did, which is unknown), but doesn't explain anything about the odd grouping choice.

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