Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Chances of admisson? - 7Sage Forum

Chances of admisson?

Hello. I'm applying to law school in the fall, and I'd like as much input as possible on what my chance of a T3 school are.
Hards: 176 Lsat, 3.98 GPA
Softs: 1 year working for a lawyer, plus a separate summer internship for a NY supreme court judge (hopefully... I don't actually have the job yet.
250 hours (roughly a year) volunteering for the Crisis text line.
Skills: coding (python, java etc.) unrelated to my undergraduate degree.
Great letters of recommendation from my boss, professor and super at the text line.

Are my chances above 50% ah HYS... or even superman wouldn't be a guarantee in at the top?
P.S. I'm a white male, so not a URM.
All input appreciated, thank you in advance 🙏


  • sucralosedaddysucralosedaddy Alum Member
    310 karma

    Sorry man my Uncle at Harvard admissions texted me this morning and told me they are only accepting 177 or above and 3.99 or 4.00 GPAs this upcoming cycle.

    Obviously kidding, I remember a post like this on /r/lawschooladmissions. You already know you are above the 75th percentile for every single school with pretty solid softs. Unfortunately, no one can give you the precise estimate you're looking for. At the top of the top, everyone is so great no one sticks out, at the end of the day there's a little bit of luck involved with yield protection and with whoever ends up reading your app.

    If you're truly HLS or bust, apply all to all the rest of the T14 schools and if you don't get into Harvard this cycle, go to your alternate pick then try the side door as a transfer the next year.

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