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nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
in General 7965 karma
Hey friends,

I just wanted to open up a thread where folks can post particular areas of discouragement ... nagging questions, doubts, weariness. Or, areas in which you need specific encouragement.

We're about 2 months from October, and I know for a lot of us, it seems the rubber has just recently met the road in a new way.

Don't worry about sounding whiney. And don't hesitate to ask the question we've all asked ... "Can I really do this?"


  • KiruKiruKiruKiru Member
    30 karma
    I read LGB, LRB AND RCB from powerscore and took my first timed test two days ago and was shocked to see that my score was around 151. I felt disappointed. I was expecting to get above 160 on my first test, silly as that sounds. I can't seem to complete any of the sections of the Lsat without missing large number of questions due to the time limit. Any one else having similar problems? I am going through the 7sage curriculum to hone my skills and despite feeling disappointed by my current ability, I do feel incredibly motivated to work harder than I did before :)
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @KiruKiru said:
    I am going through the 7sage curriculum to hone my skills and despite feeling disappointed by my current ability
    Then you're doing exactly what you ought to do. You are already taking the necessary steps using the best materials—be encouraged in this. The reason we don't recommend Powerscore around here is because it's just not the best. The further you get into 7sage, the more deeply you'll learn the fundamentals, and the better understanding you'll gain. Once you've got the fundamentals down, then comes practice. You're taking necessary steps towards success right now. Keep at it, and don't be afraid to spend a long time (a lot longer than you may have initially thought was necessary!) learning deeply. You'll thank yourself for it once you start to put those things into practice.
    @KiruKiru said:
    I can't seem to complete any of the sections of the Lsat without missing large number of questions due to the time limit.
    Timing will come with practice. I recommend completing the 7sage course before you do any more PT's. Save those for when you've really learned all of the material.
    @KiruKiru said:
    I do feel incredibly motivated to work harder than I did before :)
    Well then you've got a necessary ingredient for success. Attitude and motivation is at least 50% of the study process for this test, in my opinion.

    You CAN do this. And you ARE doing this. Trust the process.
  • notwilliamwallacenotwilliamwallace Alum Member
    1049 karma
    @nicole.hopkins said:
    You CAN do this. And you ARE doing this. Trust the process.
    That was a lovely post, @nicole.hopkins . Thanks for your passion towards helping others!!

    @KiruKiru , wishing you the best. Keep up the hard work!
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    @KiruKiru There is no need to feel discouraged. You should not be disappointed with a low diagnostic score because you simply had no idea how to take the exam and what the exam tests. Furthermore, your diagnostic score is not indicative of your potential performance. My diagnostic was a 147 and I am consistently scoring in the 170s. There are plenty other 7sagers with a similar experience. Some even started in the 130s. your job now is to fully apply yourself and really learn the fundamentals. Oh, and do humble yourself. Improving on the exam typically requires that you come to terms with the fact that your logic is not airtight as it is today. You will have to unlearn your techniques and replace them with the proper methods, which JY and Jonathan will teach you. You will find that the 7sage community is extremely supportive and helpful. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are more than happy to help.
  • SummerMichalSummerMichal Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    I got a 151 on my diagnostic too. I whined to my co-workers (all attorneys) about it, and they were all shocked that I actually did that well the first time. 151 is not terrible for your first timed test. In fact, that's the median score for all LSAT takers, and some people actually get into law school with that score. Of course, we're both shooting for a much higher final score than that, but now we know what we need to work on to get there. That's what a diagnostic is for!
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