PT5.S1.Q09 - Can someone explain?

udayanti.mukherjeeudayanti.mukherjee Live Member
edited May 2023 in Logical Reasoning 18 karma

PT5 S1 Q09

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question"


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    edited May 2023 137 karma

    Key info to parsed out from the prompt.

    The disease is be able to spread at any point of its development.
    There is no way to detect if an animal has the disease until overt symptoms occur.

    Assuming the above is true the disease cannot be eradicated by_____

    A: Correct answer. Killing off animals that are showing advanced symptoms will not eradicate the disease. During the phase prior to exhibiting these advanced symptoms the disease will have already spread to the rest of the herd.

    B: incorrect answer. One point of failing in this choice is that given the wording here its entirely possible that all animals might have the disease and if we give this drug to every single animal, well then the disease would be eradicated.
    (In the real world this answer choice also doesn't make any sense given that BSE is a prion disease and there's no "agent" to kill, but in lsat world we are not supposed to know that.)

    C: incorrect answer. This would be effective (and is actually what they did in real life) as all cattle who could have been infected would be killed off and other cattle would be raised in areas in which they could not come into direct contact with the disease

    D : incorrect answer. This would also be effective, as the animals who are currently infected could no longer become infected and the ones who were already infected would just simply die off.

    E: Incorrect answer. Find every animal that is sick, kill that animal. This again could mean killing every single animal until the disease is eradicated.

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