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Testing Center or Remote?

sunflower222sunflower222 Alum Member
in General 13 karma

Hey all! I'm debating whether I should take the LSAT at a testing center or choose the remote option. Any prior experiences with either or pros/cons would be helpful! FWIW, I do have accommodations, so idk if that changes the dynamic of remote testing.


  • sucralosedaddysucralosedaddy Alum Member
    310 karma

    I mean unless your home/apartment is noisy I don't see the advantage of taking it at a testing center. You still have to take the test on the computer either way, so its not like your getting the advantage of a paper test.

    test center
    -possibility quieter depending on personal situation
    -stable internet
    -don't have to deal with remote proctor (but have to deal with live proctor and other student in the room)

    -wake up earlier
    -drive to testing location
    -take test on unfamiliar computer
    -no practice runs
    -no access to kitchen or your own bathroom on breaks
    -disruption from other students/proctor
    -cant warm up

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