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LSAT Tomorrow

LSAT so I could runLSAT so I could run Alum Member
edited June 2023 in General 51 karma

Taking it for the first time tomorrow morning. Wanted to come on here to say it’s been quite the journey. I started with a 150 in January and scored a 175 on my last two PTs. Thank you 7sage (and other resources) for helping me make it happen. ONE AND DONE TOMORROW!! I am excited to no longer dream about LR questions….lol.

To anyone testing tomorrow YOU GOT THIS! Feel free to manifest your goal score on this post.

Here is mine: I am smart and capable. I have worked hard to master this test. I know what I am doing. I will score over a 170 tomorrow. Hell — I will beat my own record of 175!

Reminder - this isn’t to brag OR be arrogant. Just putting out good vibes in the world! :)


  • KingzlayKingzlay Alum Member
    10 karma

    Wooohoo praying for 170+ on Saturday! Get some rest! Good luck!

  • applejacksapplejacks Core Member
    73 karma

    Good luck everyone!! Here is my manifestation: I am confident in my abilities and I will score 167+ tomorrow. Breathe, focus and trust in myself.

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