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LR Warmup?

yankeesfan23yankeesfan23 Core Member

I am averaging -6 on LR after 7 practice sections (not doing full length tests yet) but consistently miss 1 or 2 of the first 10 questions (i.e., level 1s and 2s) and taking a long time to do so while breezing through the middle 10 questions of the test (then losing more points in the end, partially due to time lost in the beginning and partially because they are hard questions.)

Obviously, I’m planning to incorporate more drilling/reviewing CC to overcome this, but I was wondering if anyone had tips to warmup before a practice section or anything else to avoid brain fog in the beginning of the section. My goal is eventually getting to a 0 to a -1 wrong, but would probably be okay with a -2 depending on how the rest of the test went. Thanks!

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