PT42.S4.Q07 - Two different dates have been offered as the approximate end point..

camillebear2023camillebear2023 Alum Member
edited June 2023 in Logical Reasoning 32 karma

I just took this question and answered E first but then changed to D during blind review because it seemed to me that "colonized" was too much of an inference in this answer. Now that I have seen the correction, I still have troubles understanding why D is incorrect. Is E a better answer because it is a better conclusion to the stimulus? How can I approach these tough MSS questions better? #help
Thank you

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    edited June 2023 137 karma

    Heres why D is incorrect I think it has a few different points of failure.

    1 .In my hypothetical scenario I have two species A and B. To which we know A replaces B at year 1000. That does not imply that Species B died out at year 1000. Species B could have died out at really any point in time, all we know is that A comes into existence at year 1000.

    The lsat writers are trying really hard to make us assume that the complete dying out of artic beatles is implied by the term replaced and that the emeregence of the warm-adapted beetles is temporally correlated with that dying out. (We can't assume this).

    2 .Its very well possible that the certain areas covered by by Ice masses could very well still have been covered by ice masses to this day since the last ice age (We can't assume that all the ice melted), and therefore we have no reason to suppose beetles died out completely, but were simply replaced in "certain" areas.

    Ultimately sure you could make D correct, but that would require a bunch of assumptions.

    Answer choice E is pretty much saying when you remove all the fancy wording, "the warm-adapted beetles were there before the trees". The soil samples imply given the beetles appear 500 years before the trees, that yes the beetles were there before the trees.

    Your approach at least for this question seems fine as you got it correct initially, just avoid getting caught up on wording / second guessing yourself.

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