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Transferring KhanAcademy prep tests

OssifyingLobeOssifyingLobe Core Member
in General 17 karma

Have decided to jump from KhanAcademy to 7Sage and eager to run an analysis on prep tests, but the prep test I took at Khan, which supposedly matches up to Test 66, isn't transferring 1:1 - the various sections are out of order. Should I 1) just enter the answers from left to right columns (which seems wrong, because the number of questions don't mesh) or 2) enter the answers in corresponding columns (i.e. LR from Khan goes into LR at 7Sage) or 3) is this not a 1:1 test and is merely something KhanAcademy formulated on its own, thus creating an imperfect correspondence with 7Sage's Test 66?


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited June 2023 1625 karma

    Hi there,

    The order of our PrepTest sections matches the original order of those PrepTests when they were initially published by LSAC, which varies seemingly randomly. So the section order of PrepTest in our Digital Tester could probably not match the order from Khan Academy.

    If you will enter your answers to 7Sage manually, please enter you answers from the PT you have taken from Khan Academy following their corresponding sections, so you will enter your LG answers to the LG section in 7Sage etc.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, I am here to assist you!

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