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Reading Comp efficiency

MTreigysMTreigys Core Member

Hi, I've recently improved quite a bit in reading comp in my past practice tests, scoring in the -0 to -4 range in timed and/or BR typically. However, sometimes I feel as though I take too long on certain passages and especially questions. At times I only have a handful of minutes when I start the last passage in a set, sometimes not being able to get through all the questions with a proper analysis and answer attempt. I usually get the hard and hardest questions right when I do invest the time but I still just always spend too much time it seems. I like investing a lot of time into understanding the passages I'm reading, breezing through questions quicker than the marked expected time according to the analytics, but taking longer than expected to read the passages.

Should I simply be more willing to lower my odds of getting some questions right in order to get a proper attempt at every passage and question in a set?

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