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Color Coding Passages

madisonbt98madisonbt98 Alum Member
edited July 2023 in Reading Comprehension 31 karma

When working through an RC passage, do you place an emphasis on the color of the highlighter you use when you're highlighting certain pieces of information? For example, do you always highlight the author's opinion, purpose of passage, opposing views, ect in different colors so you can tell them apart quicker? One of my biggest weaknesses in RC is spending a large amount of time going back and re-reading the passage to find certain information needed to answer a question. I think things would be faster if I came up with a color system where I could quickly go "okay, I'm looking for author's purpose. I highlighted that in pink. Here it is." Anyone do this? Which parts to you think is the most important to highlight?
(I haven't gotten to the RC modules yet, so my bad if this is a topic that is already discussed.)


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    137 karma

    I used to do this but had trouble doing it in an efficient manner (It felt as though I was coloring rather than reading) I then switched to just highlighting certain key words (all the same color) and spending more time to comprehending / remebering the passage so that I didn't have to look back at any of the following topics.

    Authors opinion
    Main conclusion
    Other viewpoints
    Passage Structure
    Purpose of the passage.

    The first three are all things that should be easily highlight-able, the last two may not be clear until the end of the passage.

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