PTC.S2.Q13 - One of the primary values of a university...

marbles1234marbles1234 Alum Member
edited August 2023 in Logical Reasoning 15 karma

PrepTest C - Section 2 - Question 13

I am so confused on why C is the correct answer, and how B is not right. Maybe I am assuming wrong that the waiter job for an English major is not seen as good job by Martin, and therefore Martin uses it as an example to reinforce the idea that only technical jobs offer good jobs. There is not an explanation for this question, so I was hoping to open a discuss to figure it out.

Admin Note: Edited title. For LR questions, please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    Here is why C is right: not every university classes exposes students to a wide range of ideas.

    Ramona would agree with C: "To many students miss [exposure to a wide range of ideas] because they choose technical majors only."

    Martin would agree with C: "You are forgetting that even students in technical majors are required to take some liberal arts classes."

    Martin is pushing back against what Ramona is insinuating by showing that those with technical majors do in fact get exposure to a wide range of ideas by taking required liberal arts classes. Thus, admitting that not all classes expose students to a wide range of ideas.

    B is wrong because Martin has no opinion on technical degrees and job prospects. He isn't saying that technical degrees are necessary for good job prospects rather that liberal degrees are insufficient.

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