Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Doing harder logic games faster than easier ones - setup problem? - 7Sage Forum

Doing harder logic games faster than easier ones - setup problem?

SophiaOSophiaO Alum Member

Hi everybody! I'm trying to improve my speed on logic games and currently I'm taking about 1.5-2 minutes too long on basic logic games, but I'm within the target time frame for harder logic games. I'm not sure what this means, but maybe I'm taking too long to do the setup for the game? Does anybody else have this problem/have any advice for this? Thanks in advance! :)


  • cgracee02cgracee02 Alum Member
    14 karma

    Is it possible you're second-guessing yourself because the game is easier? That happens to me sometimes. You can look at your results for each game if you haven't yet, and 7Sage will tell you which questions you spent the most time on. If it looks like you're doing all of the questions on time, it probably is a setup problem.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    473 karma

    What's harder to some is easier to others. The easier games may actually be harder to you (unless you are just over thinking them because you can't believe how fast you come up with the answer?).

    Perhaps you'd benefit from going over he easier games to pinpoint your exact issue(s).

  • SophiaOSophiaO Alum Member
    9 karma

    @cgracee02 said:
    Is it possible you're second-guessing yourself because the game is easier? That happens to me sometimes. You can look at your results for each game if you haven't yet, and 7Sage will tell you which questions you spent the most time on. If it looks like you're doing all of the questions on time, it probably is a setup problem.

    Thank you! I think a large amount of the time I am taking too long to setup

  • SophiaOSophiaO Alum Member
    9 karma

    @equallyyoked said:
    What's harder to some is easier to others. The easier games may actually be harder to you (unless you are just over thinking them because you can't believe how fast you come up with the answer?).

    Perhaps you'd benefit from going over he easier games to pinpoint your exact issue(s).

    That's true, thank you for your advice!

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