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RC: Reading question stems before passage?

Nikolai6Nikolai6 Alum Member

Is this a good tactic to try? Has anyone found this to make a difference?


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    137 karma

    I tried this for a bit and found it to be a bit of a time waster, as I already knew /was prepared to answer most questions if I got a good read on the passage.

  • batoolabid94batoolabid94 Alum Member
    28 karma

    it's a waste of time 9/10 times. Best way to save time is to learn how to thoroughly read the passage, so well that you wont have to go back to it, unless you really have to. Sometimes I've spent 4.5 minutes on one passage and then I breezed through the questions in 3 minutes (and got all of them correct) because I read the passage properly. Focus on reading the passage in 4ish minutes and notice the organisation of the passage, the tone of the author, where the author's voice and opinion start etc.

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