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Is there one of each type of LG on the LSAT?

GalateaGalatea Core Member
edited August 2023 in Logical Reasoning 92 karma

On the LSAT, there can be 4 logic games. There are 4 general categories of logic games: Sequencing, Grouping, In-Out, and Miscellaneous.

Is it safe to assume there will be one game from each of these categories on the LSAT? Or could it be the case that you might have 2 sequencing games, 1 Grouping, 1 In-Out, 0 misc.? or something like that


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited August 2023 2245 karma

    For what it's worth, in-out games are actually a type of grouping game. They're just grouping games with two groups. Additionally, all of the logic game "categories" are totally arbitrary. Teachers and teaching programs just group similar games to help teach lessons. Some teaching programs categorize games differently than 7Sage.

    To answer your question, though, you never know what variety of games you'll see on any given test. You may have 3 grouping games and a miscellaneous game, 2 sequencing and 2 grouping, 3 sequencing and 1 grouping, etc. You never know what you'll get. I've actually seen a couple of older games sections that consisted of 4 sequencing games or 3 sequencing games and 1 game that had sequencing elements.

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