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RC Plateau (-8 ish)

I have one month until my exam and am consistently performing the worst on RC. Usually -7/8. My problem is, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. From everything I have read and what my tutor is telling me, I read the passage correctly and comprehend everything in it, doing a low res summary along the way, ID-ing the MP, and completing an analysis of where the authors voice is. I am doing this in 4 1/2 min too. However when it comes to the questions (particularly ones that ask me to make an inference or decide what the author might agree/disagree with) I struggle a lot and it takes upwards of 5 min. I've noticed that once I go back through and BR (reread the whole passage and do every question again) I usually get -1/0. Not sure if this is because I know what the questions will ask and therefore where to focus in the passage or if I'm less stressed about time or something. I don't know how to improve or even where I'm going wrong. Help !!

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