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LSAT Study Group for the November 2023 LSAT with hopeful 165-170 scorers

CaitlinELinderCaitlinELinder Core Member
edited August 2023 in Study Groups 76 karma

πŸ‘₯ Study Group Name: It Depends

πŸ”’ I'm currently scoring: 149-157, aiming for 170 or higher

πŸ“† My planned test date: November 2023

πŸ“ˆ To study, I have: Gone through CCv2, have taken a few PTs, and took the August 2023 LSAT. Retaking in November, so I'm not starting from scratch.

πŸ”‘ My goals for this group are: to keep each other on track with study schedules, thoroughly review sections

πŸ” We'll focus on: Each section lol

πŸ“š When we'll meet and what we'll do: Wednesdays 7pm MST on Zoom, maybe more frequently if that works for anyone. I plan on having the group do the same PTs or practice sections separately, and we can review the material each week together and go over tricky questions.

βœ… How to join: Fill out the Google Form from the link below:


  • cat_kimballcat_kimball Core Member
    86 karma

    I would love to join! I've already completed CC. I drill individual sections from PTs 1-35, and aim to take 1-2 tests per week. The time/day works for me.

  • MAJja2024MAJja2024 Core Member
    75 karma

    I would love to join! I've been studying for the past year, paused on taking PTs but just getting back to taking PTs.

  • Happymedium12Happymedium12 Alum Member
    38 karma

    I would love to join as well.

  • Janney ZhaoJanney Zhao Alum Member
    8 karma

    Count me in as well!

  • mayamosleyscmayamosleysc Live Member
    8 karma

    I would like to join too!

  • coraline-1coraline-1 Alum Member
    12 karma

    Hi! I'd love to join! I'm scoring in the same range as you with a target of 170. Will be taking the LSAT for the first time in November, second in January. Would love an accountability partner to focus on being consistent with my study schedule, and talking through answer choices when doing review :)

  • nat.barronnat.barron Alum Member
    9 karma

    Hi, this day and time works for me generally. Would love to get some accountability/support from a weekly group. I took the LSAT in February for the first time and will be retaking it in November because my score wasn't as high as I wanted. My goal score is 167 - 172 range, and I am currently scoring in the 155-160 range. Thanks!

  • kescoe26kescoe26 Live Member
    63 karma

    I would love to join!

  • 2023LSAT1802023LSAT180 Alum Member
    11 karma

    Hi Caitlin, I would like to join!

  • sdelbandosdelbando Live Member
    11 karma

    This sounds great, I would like to join!

  • jess_cornjess_corn Alum Member
    11 karma

    Hi, I would love to join! I’m scoring in that range and honestly would be content with a 155+ :)
    I’ve finished the core curriculum (V2), have taken a couple of PTs. I’m currently reviewing Loophole and drilling every other day. Wednesday works for me!

  • bankyalade1bankyalade1 Core Member
    28 karma

    Hey thank you for initiating! I would love to join as well.

  • SL412023SL412023 Live Member
    edited August 2023 12 karma

    I would love to join, too! I've completed the google form.

  • kristengkristeng Core Member
    52 karma

    I submitted the form and would love to join :)

  • Priscilla OlavarriaPriscilla Olavarria Live Member
    9 karma

    This is very exciting! I'd love to join

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