PTA.S1.Q24 - The shoe factory in Centerville...

jhile123jhile123 Alum Member
edited September 2023 in Logical Reasoning 12 karma

I am pretty lost on why the correct answer is D. There is nothing in the stimulus that specifics that the Shoe Factory only hires citizens of Centerville. I would love to get some feed back on how other people did this question. I got answer B....


  • troysch1troysch1 Free Trial Member
    31 karma

    The stimulus states that the shoe factory "employs more unskilled workers on a full time basis" than other businesses combined, but it never says those unskilled workers come from. as far as we know, businesses in Centerville may entirely employ residents of other towns. Therefore, if the factory shuts down, it could have potentially 0 impact on the employment of residents of Centerville.

    B is ultimately irrelevant-we're told that the Shoe Factory is over 50% of other businesses combined of unskilled workers, and our conclusion is just about unskilled workers, so comparisons to skilled workers is out of scope.

    Ultimately, this is just a matter of paying close attention to language--that we're given a fact about the skills of the workers, but not told where they come from (it's preying upon a real world assumption that if the business exists in town X, it must employ people form town X. but that's a big assumption!)

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