AutoBuilder - Incorrect Questions

Hi, after creating a few drills using the AutoBuilder, I know longer see the option to create a drill of the incorrect when last taken - drill questions. Is there a way to get that option back? I don't know how else to practice the questions that I got incorrect when completing the 7Sage drills.


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited October 2023 1626 karma

    Hi @"radhika1.goyal"

    Sorry for the confusion.

    The option to create a custom drill based on questions that you got Incorrect when last taken from the Drilling Pool is now replaced with "Incorrect when last taken - Autobuilder." This means that only incorrect questions from a drill created using the Auto Builder will be included in this option.

    We are working on improving the driller to include incorrect questions from a drill created using the Advanced Builder, but we don't have an ETA.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions. I am here to help you!

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