As a MBF question with 2 conditional statements, it's a good bet that the correct answer will directly violate one of the general principles that was stated.
I started with the easier one to disprove: IA-->AFG
That is, if something is an immoral action then it is accompanied by feelings of guilt. So I just need to show the sufficient without the necessary. With that task in mind I went to the AC and was happy to get to A because it violates this principle in the same way I was looking for: some immoral actions... Are not accompanied by feelings of guilt.
I started with the easier one to disprove: IA-->AFG
That is, if something is an immoral action then it is accompanied by feelings of guilt. So I just need to show the sufficient without the necessary. With that task in mind I went to the AC and was happy to get to A because it violates this principle in the same way I was looking for: some immoral actions... Are not accompanied by feelings of guilt.