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yankeesfan23yankeesfan23 Alum Member
in General 22 karma

I have spent half of a year actively studying with 7Sage. I studied for a month in December last year (LR core) and have been consistently studying since May (full-time, 30 hours a week, till August and part time, 5-10 hours, since then). I scored a 144 on a diagnostic test on Khan Academy before 7Sage. My goal score is above a 170.

I did well on my first few practice tests beginning in September. My first PT was a 160 and my second test was a 167 (1 wrong on each of LR and LG, 9 wrong on reading); Dominating LR and LG while flunking reading was the norm for a while (with an all time high score of 168), so I was confident that everything would resolve itself once I aced RC.

Since then, my scores have consistently fallen with my last two tests being a 164 and a low of 162, despite learning the reading portion of the curriculum. The PTs I've done are from the mid 30s to 49, but I've only done about half of those, using the rest for more drilling. One possible explanation is that a few of my PTs were 3 section ones (but not my first 167) and I only recently switched back to 4 section PTs.

I don't think I'm burned out because I feel motivated to study. However, I do think I'm stuck in a cycle of rust because I only have time to do a few hours a week of studying (5-10 hours) due to my job. I either have to choose between reviewing mistakes for a couple sections or timed practice. For example, I brought my RC score down to below 5 consistently for a few section drills, but this investment caused my LG and LR scores to slip due to lack of time to practice these.

I have more time to study this week but long term, what do I do, besides building endurance by doing 4 section PTs? Though my RC score has improved, RC is still my worst section; but I also need work on LR and LG. And within each of these sections, I miss each question type at a similar rate, including a handful of easier questions, so it's not like all my problems are solved by drilling one question or game type.

My initial thought is do more fool-proofing in LG and do more blind review and wrong answer journaling/reviewing in LR. No clue what to do to improve RC though: my performance in that section feels random.

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