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Help! Post Application Gap Year

camikinsercamikinser Alum Member
edited January 3 in General 7 karma

Hi! I am in need of some advice regarding taking a gap year.
I have applied for the 2024 cycle to 6 schools. My resume, LOR's, personal statement & GPA is strong but my LSAT score is not where I know it could be. I was rushed into applying but now I feel like a gap year may be more beneficial to me. I would take the year off, live at home, study for the LSAT, save money and work at a law firm where I am working now. Overall just take time off from school but get to where my LSAT score can help me get more financial aid. However, I have already applied. I am waiting for decision emails to come back and I am wondering if there would be a way to postpone admissions? Or if after applying then taking a gap year looks bad come 2025 admissions cycle? I don't know if there is a way to do this or if anyone has done this before.
Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated :) ! Thank you!


  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    This is commonly referred to as "R&R" (retake and reapply) and it is not frowned upon at all. You can frame it in a way that basically says "I wanted to take an extra year to gain more experience in the field of law I want to pursue." I would change your application materials some, but worry about that after you score better on your LSAT. Wait until you get your decisions, decide if you want that extra year, and then let the schools know you won't be accepting their offers now and go grind that LSAT.

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