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Taking Feb- What's my best course of action?

adamk211adamk211 Alum Member
edited January 4 in General 5 karma

The highest diagnostic score I've gotten so far is a 168 on Khan Academy, but that was more of a fluke where I did better than normal in LG. On LawHub, which is the only thing I use for timed PTs now, I typically get 163-165. I got a 161 on 79 which wasn't great for confidence, but apparently that's one of the harder ones.

Been able to get -0 on LR a couple of times with a typical range of -1 to -3. On RC I almost always get 24/27. LG is definitely what I need to improve most on, as I currently get 14-16 / 23.

Ideally I would love to hit 175 on the actual test in Feb. I'd really like to break 170 regardless. How realistic of a goal is that and what's the best course of action? For now I'm trying the foolproof method for LG sections I've done on previous practice tests. I've heard that it's the easiest section to master.

Planning on studying 4 days a week 3-6 hours a day until the first week of Feb.


  • lucasjameszieglerlucasjamesziegler Alum Member
    385 karma

    I would just drill logic games. You should be able to foolproof a good portion of the newer ones. With your limited timeframe, I would not do any games on tests earlier than 35. Those have a different flavor.

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