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Studying for August-December 2024 LSAT. Anyone started yet?

mtbell11mtbell11 Core Member
in General 14 karma

I am taking the August 2024 LSAT, though I may push back until December while I am on break from college. I am going to start studying now. How many hours per week do you guys think I should start with? I was thinking 5-10


  • rachelperez1119rachelperez1119 Live Member
    8 karma

    hey! i started studyign for the August 2024 LSAT back in late december (although not super seriously) and i am still studying now. It took some time to get used to a study schdule that worked for me since I do work full time and I am a part time student in community college, but I aim for around (key work being around) 2 hours a day and then on weekends I either take a full LSAT then blind review the next day or I just drill some questions. Since we dont have to worry about the logic games in august 2024 i think the studying is a little easier.

  • jcabandajcabanda Core Member
    10 karma

    Hey I started studying for August around November. I might be taking it earlier just because I am still trying to get logic games down but if not I will be taking it in August. I study probably an hour a day through drills and review and one PT on Sunday. I'm averaging around 166-7 for Pre-August LSAT and 168-169 for August LSAT, so whenever my PTs average a bit above my goal I will take the test.

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