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Has anyone ever been denied after filing a LSAC Test Day Complaint?

JustinofhousestarkJustinofhousestark Alum Member
edited February 11 in General 26 karma

I took the february LSAT today, and was interrupted a dozen times by the proctor. Granted, it was mostly due to me reading the questions aloud. I was also interrupted to fix my camera, and they would not pause the clock while I was made to move the camera.

I have ADHD and anxiety, and this is on file because I received an extra 10 mintue break. My question is whether or not anyone has ever tried to take the backup exam, by filing a test day complaint, and been denied? Do you guys think they will denie me? Once I had been interrupted a few times, it was very hard to regather my train of thought (especially due to my adhd), and I ended up guessing on way more questions than any practice test that I have ever taken!


  • Alum Member
    108 karma

    Hi, from what I've heard the LSAC is very lenient with re-tests and honestly your complaint seems valid even without the ADHD taken into account. But the only way you'll find out is by registering a complaint :) Do it fast, it'll take some stress off your mind.

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    You won't get denied. People get retakes for far less than this.

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