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Assumption is the worst.

rock_on_hottie_25rock_on_hottie_25 Free Trial Member
I can't seem to get a grasp on necessary and sufficient assumption. It is consistently the worse category for me. I re-read and studied all the sections, paying close attention to assumption, but no change. I tried doing a test untimed, and yet again, assumption was the worst. I can do logic games and reading comprehension just fine, I just always get between 20-30 out of 50 in logical reasoning. What should I do?


  • StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
    821 karma
    Work on accuracy first then on timing. Drill a ton of NA and SA questions from PT 1-38 and you'll improve on these question types. I used to hate NA questions but now they're one of my favorites. I drilled around 150 questions and reviewed all of them thoroughly. You start to see patterns and it becomes very easy to eliminate wrong answer choices. Also, do you use the negation technique for NA questions? For the harder NA questions it can really help to eliminate some tricky answer choices.
    For SA questions, you'll want to work on your conditional logic. Good luck!
  • SA135790SA135790 Member
    129 karma
    @StopLawying Were you drilling those questions untimed?
  • StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
    821 karma
    People say to drill untimed but I found it best to drill the questions timed (around 1:30 per question) and then BR afterwards. That's what I did and I think it helped me in learning how to become more efficient in my process.
  • lpadr009lpadr009 Free Trial Member
    379 karma
    Drill assumptions. It will become one of your easiest!
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