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The Loophole and 7 Sage

hollyrose613hollyrose613 Live Member
edited March 7 in Logical Reasoning 180 karma

I have went through the cc of 7sage a little bit ago, and are moving into the LG section of the cc. However, as many have recommended, I have been trying to incorporate LR drills while going through the LG section of cc. I have been trying to do drills in LR specifically focusing on question types but seem to still be getting a lot wrong even with BR. In addition, I have purchased the Loophole since many said the supplemental material helps a lot. I was just wondering on anyone's recommendations on how to study? (I can dedicate a majority of my time studying since I only work PT as well). (I also have not touched RC at all in cc yet) Should I work through the Loophole before continuing anymore drills on 7sage? Should I still try to go through LR and LG at the same time, or how should I work through both most effectively? Any and all advice much appreciated!!!

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