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Strategies for last 6 weeks?

kdannekdanne Free Trial Member
in General 15 karma
Hi y'all,

I'm aiming to take the LSAT in October. My average PT score is 1 pt under my goal, with wide variation (9 pt range) and I haven't started taking 5 section PTs.

Suggestions how to avoid plateau-ing/burning out in these last weeks? Also, when to start taking 5 section PTs?



  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I don't think 5 section PTs are as important for training endurance as other people do. However I do think they are wicked important in their ability to give you an opportunity to sneakily work in some extra drilling. Whatever your worst section is, use that as your 5th section at least half the time or more. If you have PDFs, use a PDF editor or something similar to build 5th sections out of LR questions you got wrong before. Or just aggregate games or passages you struggled with for RC and LG.

    Also, someone recently made a great suggestion to grade the 5th sections over the course of 4 PTs as its own separate PT to help encourage you to stay motivated since you'll know which is experimental. This is easier to do if you just cannibalize an earlier PT so you know how it was curved, but you can still produce a raw score if you make your own patchwork tests.

    So start some form of 5 section PTs now just to get extra prep in. And the most important thing is to do a really high quality BR using a clean copy of the test. And feel free to join our BR calls if you have the time! Good luck!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    However I do think they are wicked important in their ability to give you an opportunity to sneakily work in some extra drilling.
    YES. This! Total win/win. Also the benefit of warming up before the PT if you take it as the first.

    @Pacifico said:
    Also, someone recently made a great suggestion to grade the 5th sections over the course of 4 PTs as its own separate PT to help encourage you to stay motivated since you'll know which is experimental.
    That is a really good idea. Wow. 100% doing this for upcoming PT's.
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