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Practice Tests

josephspooner81josephspooner81 Core Member
in General 7 karma

I've been studying for the LSAT for a while now but I haven't done a full practice test yet. I've completed LR and am about halfway through LGs... my thinking is that I want to complete all three sections so I know how to tackle all the questions. Do you think that is productive or do you think it'd be beneficial to do a practice test before completing the core curriculum?


  • imtryinggggggimtryingggggg Core Member
    78 karma

    did you do a practice test before starting the core curriculum? That gives a rough idea where you stand. It's better to wait to start doing practice tests after you finish the core curriculum so you know which strategies to implement when doing a practice test. There are only limited tests available so you don't want to waste any when you are not ready.

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