PT70.S4.G4 - Logic Game Question

ariannaadawsonariannaadawson Alum Member
edited April 28 in Logic Games 13 karma

So I was watching the explanation on 7sage and the person explaining the game said that 1-5 was one game board and 6-10 was another, but idk how they knew to split. someone please advise.


  • LegallyLSATLegallyLSAT Live Member
    172 karma

    Hi Arianna, I like to split my board games up front to make it easier for myself. Since there were are only 3Gs and 2H, I immediately think what can force us to fill out most of the game board? Putting S in 4 will force O in 5.

    The set up would be a two layer sequence game. One for auditorium and the other for birds

    S could be in 2-4 (Not in 1 because S is in H hall and not in 5 because O follows behind S)

    T can be in 1-4 (not in 5 because P follows behind T).

    P could be 2, 3, or 5 (cant be in one because T is before P and can’t be 4 because P must be in G hall).

    For one board game, we could do
    1 2 3 4 5
    hall. G G/H G/H H G/H
    Birds. R T P S. O

    Game board 2 (use inferences above). Wouldn’t write anything in as it’d be too much work. Go through the rules. To me, this is how I solve. Someone might have a faster way but this works for me (:

                     1    2     3       4   5

    hall. G G/H G/H H G/H

    Remember only 3G & 2Hs^

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