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Final 3 weeks of studying! Any advice?

JustinofhousestarkJustinofhousestark Alum Member
in General 26 karma

Hey guys!

Looking for some advice :) I have been studying for about the past 8 months, and have gone from a diagnostic of 144 (-14 LG, -12 LR, -14 RC) to my most recent pt of 167 (-2 LG, -4 LR, -5 RC). I am shooting for a 170 on this June LSAT, which is 3 weeks away. I'm taking a break from work so that I can just go all in on studying. I've finished the entire 7sage syllabus (which is the main thing that has helped me so far), and am halfway through Reading Comp Hero.

What should I focus on for the next 3 weeks? Any advice would be greatly appreciated:)


  • LSATstudier13LSATstudier13 Core Member
    9 karma

    I am on the same track as you in terms of studying! Out of curiosity, how many PT's have you taken? I am not yet done with the 7 Sage syllabus but am trying to speed it up so I can potentially take some more PT's before the June exam.

  • blueapolloblueapollo Live Member
    5 karma

    You've got this, and congratulations on your progress! In addition to drilling some specific problem types that give you trouble, I would try to read a book or two and start doing some mindful breathing if you don't already to practice being able to refocus your attention and calm your nerves. At this point, you've absorbed close to all of the theory that you are going be able to use on the test. Sharpen the tools you already have. Good luck!!

  • JustinofhousestarkJustinofhousestark Alum Member
    26 karma

    @LSATstudier13, sorry for the late reply! I've done about 7 or 8 practice tests, so not that many. I'm not sure if I'll do another one between now and the June LSAT. I feel like, at this point, I won't gain anything by doing practice tests, aside from a possible false sense of confidence, or lack of confidence lol

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