Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). score fluctuation (166-173-167) - 7Sage Forum

score fluctuation (166-173-167)

arwenlawarwenlaw Alum Member
in General 15 karma

hi! as the title indicates, i've done 3 PTs and went from a 166 to a 173, and then back down to a 167. i know studying more doesn't guarantee higher scores, but i was disappointed because i felt like i was on the up-and-up, lmao!

from your experience studying, what is this kind of fluctuation indicative of? and do you have any tips for scoring consistently at your target? i really appreciate any insight, i'm getting a bit in my head about this so i imagine being grounded by the community would be helpful!


  • laurabogoradlaurabogorad Core Member
    50 karma

    I feel like my score has also fluctuated 165-161-169. I think to some degree it can be environmental, how you are feeling that day etc. It can also be that some tests are preferential to certain people. I honestly would not stress too much about a fluctuation. I think blind review scores can be more consistent

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