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Logic Games: Making Inferences

KyleDuncanKyleDuncan Alum Member
in General 14 karma
I find my true weakness in logic games is over-thinking the game board which causes me to make invalid inferences or duplicate game boards that do not need to be done. does anyone know how I can correct this mistake.


  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @kyleduncan said:
    or duplicate game boards that do not need to be done
    I think I know what you are talking about. When I do a game for the first time, I am so jazzed up to make any and all inferences that I end up spending way way too much time setting up my board (and usually multiple "worlds"). Then I go to watch JY's video and I see he acknowledges that one could split but in many cases suggests just holding on to the rules and hitting up the questions. My guess is that the more and more you see the same types of games the more comfortable you will feel not fleshing out all conceivable possibilities. As far as making invalid inferences, that I imagine could be avoided by paying close attention the whole way through and not letting an "impossible" world slip by. Just trying to do the games first myself then watching the expert right after then re-doing the same game after that, has helped improve my timing and strategies enormously.
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