PT102.S2.Q08 - Explaining Why I got this Wrong

theonetheonlydoletheonetheonlydole Alum Member
edited June 2024 in Logical Reasoning 11 karma

I picked C initially. I picked this answer because when the question mentions "malicious" my brain starts thinking for reasons why the toddler is not morally wrong in this situation. While this could be a decent explanation of the first sentence, it falls flat for the second. Additionally, WE DON'T DISCUSS ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. This is really important: for principle questions, you are not going to get new information in the answers. It must be a general summary or explanation of the passage, not with new information.
Question A is right, it summarizes the passage well.
Question B is about attention, which isn't relevant
Question D is about ends, which isn't mentioned
Question E is about effectiveness, which isn't mentioned

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