PT127.S3.Q17 - Could someone explain to me

ChanduellChanduell Core Member
edited June 19 in Logical Reasoning 44 karma

Could someone explain to me why answer E is not correct? I am having trouble understanding why, thanks y'all!

Admin Note: Edited title. For LR questions, please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • saraolssonsaraolsson Live Member
    15 karma

    E isn't correct because (for the purposes of the question) the stimulus doesn't really introduce a sufficient or necessary condition in a way that's vital to the argument, so that can't be the flaw.

    This becomes more clear in the last sentence: "the musical character of the performance, therefore, is the main reason for its longevity". The author is making a huge jump from correlation (the poem still being performed and it being sung instead of recited) to causation (that's THE REASON for its longevity).

    The flaw isn't in any form of an if -> then statement. That's the simplest way to describe it.

    I'm curious what you identified as the sufficient and necessary conditions in the stimulus, I might be able to explain further with that info.

  • ChanduellChanduell Core Member
    44 karma

    Perfect, so it isn't that those conditions are present and used in the wrong way, it is that the argument isn't formulated where those two would get flipped.

    Thanks so much

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