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New LSAT Format Practice Tests

avapfehrenbachavapfehrenbach Alum Member
in General 12 karma

So I just took PT 132 (new format) and I am frustrated because I recognized almost all of the LR questions either from drills or JY's video lessons. It is my understanding that these "new" tests are just sections from old tests put together for the sake of practicing the new format, but these are the same old tests that 7sage pulls from for lessons. Obviously you cannot preview the test before starting it, and I want to know that the test I will be taking is entirely new beforehand since I feel like that test is now entirely useless in assessing my score.

Is there any way to know which of these new tests are actually comprised of all clean questions? Has 7sage looked into this and created a way to avoid this issue? Has anyone else experienced this and found a way around it?


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