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Needed Evaluation on My Study Plan

josephdurantejosephdurante Core Member
in General 22 karma

I have been heavily studying for the LdSAT for about 2 weeks now. I have watched part of the videos of the foundations and parts of other important info. After that I have been focusing on drilling. My plan currently: I am just doing drills along with blind reviewing and watching the videos per question I get wrong or right. 5 questions per question type. I start at the medium difficultly until I get at least 4/5 correct, then I increase the difficultly and will start doing prep tests when I feel comfortably with each question type for LR and RC. I was wondering if this plan is good. Is there anything I should add or change.

Also I am focusing the first month on not worrying about timing and then will starting timing my drills when I feel ready. Any advice on when I should start timing myself per drill?


  • darman45darman45 Live Member
    160 karma

    I think your plan is pretty good. Only thing I'd caution you with is to make sure you aren't just burning through drill questions for the sake of knowing that you can do easy mode + difficult mode, since those questions are ultimately pulled from a limited amount of practice tests. But, since drilling is a good thing to do, I think you have the right idea. Have you taken a full practice test? Ideally, you take a practice test or two, blind review it, and then you can hone in on what sorts of questions you need to be drilling. Waiting to focus on timing is a good idea - usually you can make a decent amount of progress with timing simply by understanding the content + test better, which comes with practice.

  • josephdurantejosephdurante Core Member
    22 karma

    The last prep test I took had logic games, so I do not have the most accurate representation of what I need to study. I just know that I need some work on everything, where it is all polished enough to confidently take a pt.

  • darman45darman45 Live Member
    160 karma

    @josephdurante fair enough. I had the same thing: my very first PT included logic games. I hated it and decided to study for the new version without logic games, which meant going through the core curriculum on 7sage, reading some books, etc. When i took my next prep test (2nd prep test, about 2 months after my 1st, but this was the first PT without logic games that I'd ever taken), I got the same exact score as my original, despite all the studying. I think I had a lot of knowledge in my head, but had done 0 work on applying it. So I think you're valid for doing the drills and that's probably something I should have done, too. But I'd also definitely still say that taking a PT could be helpful for you - at the end of the day, you either get an amazing score and refine your studying, or you get a score that can be improved, but it gives you concrete evidence of how your studying has impacted your potential performance thus far. Good luck!!

  • josephdurantejosephdurante Core Member
    22 karma

    Thank you for the advice. I'll make sure to use it.

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