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Cookie Cutter RC Themes

shieldr232shieldr232 Core Member

I cannot find my notebook containing all my notes from the core curriculum, and was wondering if anyone had written down the recurring cookie cutter themes for the science passages (low resolution summaries). I vaguely remember there being like three separate themes with the one as follows: paragraph one containing two competing hypothesis then the second paragraph being an observation that might support one hypothesis over the other and so forth. If anyone could please help me out it would be greatly appreciated!!!!


  • ebucknerebuckner Core Member
    24 karma

    The three most common structural patterns they described were the following:

    Debate: Competing hypotheses, phenom 1, phenom 2, and resolution
    Old Hypo: Old hypothesis, background knowledge, phenom, current thoughts
    Alternative Hypo: Hypothesis, conflicting phenom, alternative hypo, resolution

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