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Just Started Studying, I need tips!

tylercook424tylercook424 Core Member

I started studying 2 days ago and I am looking for tips on how to maximize my chances of studying correctly.

"If you were to start over what would you do differently, and why?"


  • jumpypilotjumpypilot Core Member
    22 karma

    Something I'll swear by is breaking down every question presented to you in the core curriculum. For every question in a lesson or "you try", I wrote down why I thought the correct answer was correct, why the incorrect answers were incorrect, and the "cookie cutter" traps that were presented in the problem. Then I'd cross check my reasoning with JY's to make sure I was getting at the right answer for the right reason.

    This makes the CC way more time consuming, but in my opinion, it's time well spent. It's one of the easiest ways to convert time spent studying into points. When you get to taking PTs you'll have the fundamentals down.

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