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nsnickshin63nsnickshin63 Alum Member
in General 17 karma

I've been studying for the LSAT for a almost half a year now, and on PTs I've been consistently scoring in the high 160s. I've noticed a pattern on all of my tests where I usually do extremely well on one or two sections (talking -1/-2) and then bomb the third section. I fear that stamina and consistency are my issue more than a skill issue. Are there any tips on increasing consistency/accuracy? (especially RC which is the section I've noticed the most fluctuation in my score anywhere from -2 to -6).


  • megatron0megatron0 Alum Member
    15 karma

    I've been struggling with this same thing! Could use any advice.

  • ntrepanier5ntrepanier5 Alum Member
    328 karma

    Depends on how you've been studying. If you've mostly done the curriculum and drills to get the material down (which clearly you have if you're scoring in the high 160s), then doing PTs more frequently to build stamina might be the move. If you have been doing PTs pretty consistently, I know people who have made other lifestyle changes to help: dropping TikTok, IG reels, YouTube shorts, etc to help their attention span. Idk what your exact situation is, but those are a couple of ideas just to help you think broadly about what can change.

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